Saturday, March 21, 2015

Stress Disorders

Being an active duty military member and having deployed overseas a few times, I know several members who suffer from stress disorders following traumatic events and I am very much aware of the effects.  Everyone suffering from stress manages their symptoms in their own way but Young Living makes an essential oil kit that can assist in reducing stress symptoms.  The kit contains two oil collections - Freedom Sleep and Freedom Release. 

The Freedom Sleep collection includes Freedom, AromaSleep, Inner Harmony, and Valor.  The collection helps to re-establish positive energy flow throughout the body and helps you relax and calm your thoughts and feelings before going to sleep.

The Freedom Release collection includes Freedom, Divine Release, Joy, Transformation and T.R. Care.  These oils help bring a sense of balance and harmony and promotes forgiveness.  They also have remove feelings of anger and elevating the mind for a positive outlook on life.

Some other oils that can help with stress include Inner Child, Forgiveness, Trauma Life, Lavender and Peace and Calming.

While essential oils will not completely rid a person of stress, they help alleviate some of the symptoms that effect people suffering with stress.  I have heard many, many stories from and about stress sufferers who have used essential oils to enhance their life.  A quick search in Google will show you the incredible results from using oils.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Cream for your Aches and Pains

The weather in Texas lately has been up and down and the colder it gets, the more my joints ache.  I recently made a pain cream using Panaway, Lemongrass, Peppermint and Valor.  Just add 10 drops of each oil into a fragrance-free cream/lotion and mix it all together and it is ready to apply.  And oh boy, does it smell good.  My daughter likes to use it when she gets growing pains.

I like to use Vanicream skin cream since it's free of fragrance, formaldehyde, phosphate, sulfate, lanolin, paraben, and gluten.

If you have aches and pains in your joints or anywhere on your body, this pain cream works wonders.   

There's an Oil for That

Every time I hear friends, family, and co-workers mention an ailment or illness that they are experiencing, I say "there's an oil for that."  Whether you have allergies, sleep problems, sore muscles, headaches, or a teething baby, Young Living essential oils are here to help.  Every one teases me about saying "there's an oil for that" but that doesn't stop them from asking me which oil they need to use when they aren't feeling the best.

What's your ailment or illness?  Let me know and I'll let you know what oil will help alleviate it and get you to a healthier you.

Oils vs. OTC Medicine for Sickness

Meds for a restful sleep: $11.99
Meds for allergies: $23.99
Decongestant for allergies: $14.98
Meds for headaches and muscle pain: $15.99
Meds for bug bites: $3.99
Bug Spray: $8.99
Wrinkle Cream: $60.00
Meds for cuts: $9.99
Total            $149.92

This list could go on and on and the toxicity of all of these medications is sky high.  The warnings on these drugs are right there on the bottle, why not take that as a sign that you should NOT be putting them into your body? 

Now onto an alternative, a safe alternative.  For the same amount you would normally stock your medicine cabinet for a month with toxic chemicals, you could (and should) purchase your Premium Essential Oils Starter kit for $160 and start living a cleaner and chemical free life today!  Unlike the OTC meds, these oils can be used to treat multiple symptoms/illnesses.  Just look at some of the uses for these oils!

What's stopping you?


Are you still skeptical?

We humans are kind of silly, aren't we?  I laugh at the fact that we are naturally so skeptical about things that are NATURAL, but don't think twice about popping a pill for headaches or allergies etc.... something man-made in a lab.  Hmm. 

I spent quite a bit of time researching essential oils and Young Living, but did I research the founder of over-the-counter medicines before I began using those?  Did I question HOW those could possibly fix a headache or allergies...yet I totally questioned HOW essential oils-something natural and from our earth and good for us-could possibly fix my headache or allergies?

I'm not saying toss your all of your meds and throw all care to the wind and that essential oils are the cure all for everything in the world.  But I surely am thinking twice before running to the medicine cabinet and letting my NATURAL oils help in the ways they can (which are SO MANY), before resorting to toxins and chemicals for my family.  My daughters and I have stopped using over the counter medications for our allergies, which is outstanding since they both have severe seasonal allergies.  We have also eliminated many over-the-counter medicines.

You have got to try these oils!

I'm jumping on here to tell you that (if you haven't already) you have GOT to just try Young Living essential oils.  You might be tired of reading this stuff.  Well, "too bad, so sad" as my mom used to say.  I can't stop using them and so I won't stop talking about them until you try them and then you can talk about them with me!  Ha ha. 

You don't have to promise to throw away your OTC meds YET.  You don't even have to 100% believe they'll work for you.  Truly, all you have to do is have a tiny bit of trust in the fact that I would NEVER hype something that wasn't legit.  Every day I read about someone that has had their life changed by these oils.  It makes me so happy to hear about a better quality of life-naturally without toxins and chemicals.  Who likes to hear that their friends are hurting or have a problem?  These oils are straight up amazing.  They'll help you sleep, they'll get rid of your poison ivy, they'll take the place of your sunscreen and bug spray, they'll help you kick your "issue", they'll help you regulate your hormone levels, they will knock out your summer allergy crud you have going on, they will even help you feel happy if you're blue.  I'm telling you.  One kit does it.  If you hate it, don't buy it again. 

You guys, seriously... you must try it.  I know they WILL HELP YOU and I know you'll see that when you just try them.  I know what it's like to have a family with aches, pains, sicknesses and sleepless nights.  These oils are here to help.  If you want to start living a healthier, natural life, you have got to try Young Living.  Go on - give them a try.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

It's Allergy Time

It's allergy time in Texas.  My daughters and I all have seasonal allergies but to fight against them, we use essential oils.  Lavender, Peppermint and Lemon are the "allergy trio" that will stop the effects of the outside allergens.  We use this trio in a variety of ways.  We have made a roller ball with the three oils and using grape seed oil as the carrier oil.  You just roll the trio behind your ears, the back of your neck and/or on the bottoms of your feet.  We have also put the trio of oils in a teaspoon of honey to eat and we have added the oils to an empty vegetable capsule to ingest it.  The allergy trio works great and has allowed us not have to rely on over the counter medications.

We use Young Living Essential Oils, which are safe to ingest.  If you are using other brands of oils, please be safe and research whether or not they are safe to ingest.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Trouble Sleeping? Oils Can Help

Do you have trouble falling asleep?  Or maybe staying asleep?  Young Living Essential Oils can help.  My family use oils every night before going to bed.  My daughters love to use Peace and Calming on their feet and my 2 year old son loves when I apply Tranquil to his feet.  Tranquil is a mixture of Lavender, Cedarwood and Roman Chamomile and it comes in a roller bottle for easy application.  I like to apply Lavender or Ylang Ylang to my feet and I rub the Lavender hand and body lotion in to my hands.  I have also made a Sleepy Time Creme, which consists of Lavender, Valor, and Peace and Calming oils mixed in whipped coconut oil.  We all sleep like babies.  If you are having trouble sleeping, these oils can definitely help.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Oh the Joy

Joy is one of my favorite Young Living oils.  This oil has a slightly floral and very uplifting fragrance and I use it as a perfume.  Joy is actually a blend of 10 essential oils - Ylang, Ylang, Rose, Bergamot, Geranium, Lemon, Coriander, Tangerine, Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, and Palmarosa.  There are many uses and benefits for Joy, including relaxation, mood uplifting, calming, mood swings, and tension relief.  

There are several ways to use Joy:  place a drop over your heart, add 2-3 drops to unscented lotion or to massage oil, place on your wrists, or diffuse.